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  • Thanks to lifespan, I went from frequent panic attacks and fear that anything could be an emotional trigger to calm, present, and excited about life."

    "Lifespan integration was a surprising, but very effective experience. I have experienced anxiety for most of my life, and this resulted in poor sleep, difficult relationships, and health problems. I tried anxiety medication and other forms of therapy, but nothing seemed to be a long term, fulsome, fix. Lifespan was recommended to me from someone I trust, and I was skeptical at first. Fast forward to two years later, and I cannot speak enough about my transformative experience. I can fully engage in life now, my window of tolerance has expanded exponentially and I can trust my own mind again. My sleep is not disrupted anymore, and I am able to participate in all the relationships in my life fully. I no longer suppress emotions and I don’t dread the next day ahead. Lifespan has definitely improved my overall quality of life, and I am thankful for it."

    - Client, Age 30

  • “My experience with Lifespan can be summed up in this phrase: Life changing."

    “My experience with Lifespan can be summed up in this phrase: Life changing. With lifespan I was able to deal with severe childhood trauma and though it was hard to face some of it, I now have the emotional stability that has long eluded me. I’ve become a better partner to my wife, father to my children and have a now positive outlook on my life. Even when I look back at the traumas I do so with less negative emotional responses.”

    – Client, age 45

  • “I can credit it for seeking more and better treatments for my mental health, better relationships with my friends and family, more comfort and love for myself."

    “I can credit it for seeking more and better treatments for my mental health, better relationships with my friends and family, more comfort and love for myself. It has made it easier to see what is bothering me, and to give myself support when I need it. It has genuinely changed the way I communicate and the way I solve problems in my life.”

    - Client, age 32